iQIYI OpenAir CinemaLiugong Park


iQIYI’s chioce, within period of 2019/11/09 - 2020/01/01
Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, at 7 o'clock in the evening, a selection of classic films will be played. Free registration on the spot (limited spaces)

iQIYI Open Air Cinema is located at Liugong Park. Nearby residents and tourists are all invited to watch a movie together under the starry sky at the weekend nights. Wearing wireless headset and sit on a comfortable lounge chair in the winter to welcome the coming of Christmas.

※If it rains, it will be announced on the official website one day before the event and will be extended to the weekdays. The arranged date of the event will be announced separately.

iQIYI OpenAir Cinema event site:
pcw version http://tw.iqiyi.com/kszt/opencinema.html
app version http://tw.iqiyi.com/kszt/iQIYIopencinema.html

Pokémon ParadeXiangti Avenue Plaza (Northern Section)

Duration: 2019/11/15 - 2019/11/17
To celebrate the end of the year, the most popular Pokémon will meet everyone in the northern section of Xiangti Avenue in Xinyi District, Taipei.
During the period, the new Pokémon sunshade cap (number is limited) of the Pokémon game "Pokémon Sword & Shield" will be released, so that people can play as Pokémon and enjoy the parade to create the unforgettable memories. For more details, please search for Pokémon Official Website“(https://tw.portal-pokemon.com/)

*時間有可能因為天候或其他因素而無事前告知而更動, 最新資訊請從此寶可夢台灣官方臉書頁面確認。